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We can see when your brain forms a memory by watching you move

We can see when your brain forms a memory by watching you move

27 May 2020

Subtle patterns can be seen in people’s reaction times as their memories are recalled, and boosting these brainwaves could help treat Alzheimer’s disease

Twisteddoodles on bacteria that like to prank researchers

Twisteddoodles on bacteria that like to prank researchers

20 May 2020

This week's cartoon from Twisteddoodles

Cold war spy satellite images reveal long-term decline in biodiversity

Cold war spy satellite images reveal long-term decline in biodiversity

19 May 2020

Analysis of cold war spy satellite images has revealed a long-term decline in biodiversity in Kazakhstan due to the expansion of agriculture over the past 50 years

Alien Oceans on Earth and Beyond

Alien Oceans on Earth and Beyond

18 May 2020

Kevin Peter Hand, astrobiologist, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory Where is the best place to find living life beyond Earth? It may be that the small, ice-covered moons of Jupiter and Saturn harbour some of the most habitable real estate in our solar system. Life loves liquid water and these moons have lots of it! These alien oceans of the outer solar system have likely persisted for much of the history of the solar system and as a result they are highly compelling targets in our search for life beyond Earth.

Where’s the best place to be buried to preserve your body as a fossil?

Where’s the best place to be buried to preserve your body as a fossil?

20 May 2020

Want to preserve your body as a fossil for future generations? Readers give their suggestions on the best ways to do it

How do city trees get enough water?

How do city trees get enough water?

20 May 2020

How can trees planted in concrete jungles get the water they need to survive from the soil? Our readers give answers

Coronavirus is evolving. Knowing how could help us stop the pandemic

Coronavirus is evolving. Knowing how could help us stop the pandemic

20 May 2020

Viruses, like the coronavirus causing covid-19, can evolve rapidly. Knowing how and why they change should help us beat this pandemic and prevent future ones

The epic journeys of green sea turtles revealed by 50 years of data

The epic journeys of green sea turtles revealed by 50 years of data

20 May 2020

Using more than 50 years of satellite tracking data, a team found that green sea turtles will skip areas they don't know when looking for a foraging site even if they are suitable

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Lockdown could give us many insights

20 May 2020

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Pluses and minuses of new take on consciousness (5)

20 May 2020

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